Teacher’s Day Celebration- Importance, tips to celebrate,and a lot more!


Last night, I heard a whispering of my 10-year-old kid with his friend that, “Why do we celebrate Teacher’s Day, and is it compulsory to give some gifts or cards to teachers?” This triggered my mind with the thought that students these days are negligent about the purity and significance of celebrating Teacher’s Day.

Therefore, I decided to impart them the true values and power of Teaching and how vital these ‘Gurus’ in our lives. We owe our success, fame, and every moral value we have learned from teachers, and 5th September is the Day when we celebrate teachers’ power.

Celebration of Teacher’s Day with considerable enthusiasm is significant in all Indian schools, and students make all possible preparations to make their favorite teachers special! Personalized cards, crafts, and flowers are all expressions of their worth in our life. Let’s learn some more facts about the celebration of this auspicious day in India!

Why is Teacher’s Day Celebrated on 5th September?

Every year, the birth anniversary of India’s second President, Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan, is celebrated as the ‘Teacher’s Day’ in India. His knowledge of academics and exemplary teaching tactics are popular across the world. While he came to the post of India’s President in 1962, his true students came up with the idea to celebrate 5th September as ‘Radhakrishnan Day.’

But the scholars at that time gave him the honor of dedicating his Birthday as ‘Teacher’s Day.’ One of his famous works defined the Teacher as “The one who emphasizes presentation to converge different currents of thoughts to the same end.”

Who are the teachers?

Happy Teacher's day

Does a teacher and his/her teachings get confined in the classroom boundaries? Are the academic report cards a parameter to identify their teaching style? Not at all. They are the priceless Gemstones that empower their students with the light of knowledge and convince them to follow the right path towards progression. Their guidance is immensely valuable to shape the brighter future of students who seek their thoughts and transform them into actions.

The best way to understand the Teacher is that it is the only profession in this world that supports, uplifts, and paves the way for several other professions. On Teacher’s Day, students celebrate the teachers’ existence and their contribution in various fields and presence. I firmly own the memory when we dress up as our favorite teachers and do the roleplay in the junior classes. There are many more ways that even the upcoming generation should explore to identify the power and magic of ‘True Teacher.’

Why is Teachers’ Day celebrated?

5th September is a memorable day for the Indian students as they cherish the learnings and sayings of their favorite teachers and express their feelings in the form of gifts, quotes, music, dance, and what not!

If you have gone through India’s mythology, boys used to go ‘Gurukul’ where learned teachers imparted them education on life and actions. Then, ‘Gurus’ was the common terminology for teachers who withstand a higher position than God. After completing the learnings, they gave a token of gratitude known as ‘Gurudakshina,’ which meant to please and respect the teachers. Teacher’s Day is the modern depiction of ‘Gurudakshina’ where students have a dedicated day to acknowledge and express their devotion and dedication to the respected teachers in modern ways.

The crux and feel are the same, but only the mannerisms change over time and generations. What I have been doing in my childhood cannot replicate what my child thinks and does? The critical fact is the gist, or the core values should remain intact no matter how many generations come and go!

Teacher’s day activities

Teacher’s Day is a celebration that involves many activities to impress and spread happiness amongst the teachers. Their unparalleled contribution to society cannot match any other profession or the same success rate. Activities like dance, music, role play, and games pep up with the school and colleges with zeal and enthusiasm. It gives them a chance to develop a better and personalized bond with their favorite teachers. I still recall that I used to gather all my craft materials a day before Teacher’s Day to prepare the best greeting card for my English teacher. Other Teacher’s Day activity ideas include:

Songs- Dedicating and singing wonderful and meaningful songs is a great way to woo your teachers. Students can also organize a competition and dedicate special prizes for the winners. A group song for your teachers can be a fantastic gesture that might leave them with teary eyes.

Dance- How about organizing a dance competition for the students, including classical and non-classical styles? Not just the teachers would get pleased to enjoy exciting performances; even the talented students get a platform to showcase their dance forms. You can also request the teachers to perform with their fellow students on the music or songs that they love. After all, dedicating an incredible dance performance from your end might bring a big smile on the teachers’ faces.

Drama- Why not take a meaningful role play, which depicts the pious relation between a student and the Teacher? Such kind of dramatic celebrations can profoundly affect the minds and hearts of your favorite Teacher. Students having the right talent in drama can enact and portray the whole scene with conviction and true spirit.

Mimicry- A harmless and light-hearted enactment of your teachers can spread laughs and giggles all around. As long as everyone enjoys the whole scene, there is no issue in doing mimicry by replicating their expressions and voice tones.

Games- A regular part of Teacher’s Day involves enjoying the outdoor and indoor games, including football, cricket, carom, and even scrabble. Arranging prizes for winners can be a good encouragement for all athletes.

Chat sessions- Unlike the usual classroom setup where kids listen to the Teacher’s classes, you can ask them to indulge in a light-hearted informal chat with the teachers. Free-flowing emotions through normal conversations strengthen the bond between the Teacher and the students. You can also gently convey them some academic challenges that you are going through. A true teacher would always stretch a helping hand to its students.

Honor Teachers- The teaching profession never got the desirable recognition and importance crucial for their motivation. Students can come up with the idea of arranging a small award function where they can distribute gifts and awards to all teachers. Giving them some suitable and loving titles can also add magic to the moment.

What gifts to offer for Teacher’s Day?

Teacher's Day Gift Ideas

Finding apt gifts for the Teacher is often a task as you might get confused on buying something that extends your emotions to them. We are never very free with our teachers, and expressing them the gratitude in the right manner is very important for an ever-lasting bond. My kid made a scrapbook of his Teacher’s memories with him and gifted on last Teacher’s Day. He came to me with a spark in his eyes as the affectionate reaction he received from his favorite Teacher was unforgettable.

Although he was unaware of the importance of this Day, he still made all efforts to make his favorite Teacher happy. It’s a personal suggestion to never focus on buying expensive stuff as Teachers love to receive a replica of what you feel for them, and your gift must depict your respect and trust in them.

Best gift options for Teacher’s Day are as follows:

1. Teacher’s love books- Gifting a scholarly book to your Teacher can be an exemplary option to impress them with a token of gratitude. Kids can also add some personalized messages or quotes in the book so that their favorite Teacher can retain it as a memory for a lifetime.

2. Personalized pens- Teachers have a unique fondness to pens, and getting a personalized option would become their favorite. While teachers always complain of stolen and lost pens, a set of pens with their names or message can be worth preserving for them.

3. Gift cards- Why not impress your Teacher with unique gift cards applicable for shopping, restaurant, coffee, or book shops! This would allow them to spare some time and enjoy leisure space to pamper their worth.

4. Personalized mugs- Kids can either paint or design a plain white mug with Teacher’s Day quotes or even buy them from outside. It would ensure that their teachers think of them while enjoying their favorite cuppa coffee.

5. Tote bags- You might have seen teachers were carrying a bundle of papers or assignments here and there. Isn’t it fascinating to gift them a good quality Tote bag to organize their articles and books appropriately?

How to express gratitude towards teachers?

Top ways to express gratitude and love towards your teachers on this Teacher’s Day are as follows:

Tell your kids to make cute poetry- No matter if the rhythm or the sync wanders here and there, but good poetry written by your kid can make the Teacher’s Day. Tell them to make optimum use of their imaginative skills and create the most relatable lines to impress your teachers.

DIY stands- Kids can display their artistic side by making a chalk stand or a pen stand with DIY steps. Using ice creams sticks, craft papers, and some sequins, make a fancy pen stand, and you can tell kids to do some hand printing on it for a personal touch.

The ultimate aim of all these gifts and celebrations is to make the teachers feel special. Even students should understand that Teacher’s Day celebration is not just about gifting materialistic things but a lot more than that. There is a reason for this celebration that has a life-long impact on our lives. Every scold and learning you get from your Teacher is a blessing that takes you to future success and recognition.

It is one community that believes in preaching for others’ benefit and consistently serves the class, school, college, state, nation, and the world with the power of knowledge and learning. Inculcating this devotion in your kids is extremely important so that they gain the priceless collection of morality, values, good deeds, and ocean of learnings from their teachers.

How are Teachers’ true pillars of our success?

Teacher’s Day celebrated in India on 5th September marks the immortality of teaching profession and its significance for ages. They are the perfect role models for every individual who wants to dream big and be immensely successful in life. Success and failures are two facets of life, and tackling every phase with complete dignity is possible only when a good teacher surrounds you. Even you can exhibit your best foot forward when there is the right guidance to show you the path of success!

Teachers from various walks of life can help you frame goals, work hard persistently to achieve them, and emerge as an undisputed winner in all circumstances. They are the only ones who know the plus points of their students and can trigger the right point to retrieve their maximum creativity. Someone good in English does not compulsorily have to be proficient in maths as well. A good teacher would also encourage and motivate its student to achieve their dreams by following proper ethics and morals.

Role models

Every person needs the motivation to be successful in life, and good teachers are certainly the ones. Their positivity and appreciation not only aids in achieving the academic goals but also grants them a reason to work hard and achieve the impossible.

Power of Education

It is definitely above any other power like money or strength. This is the only thing that no one can take away from you, and making you realize its importance can be the most fantastic thing to do. A better life and a bright future determination must lay on good Teaching and a positive mindset.

Tips to make Teacher’s Day special

A most popular list of tips to make this Teachers Day memorable for your Teacher are:

  • Volunteer in classroom
  • Give a speech on your favorite Teacher with the batchmates
  • Decorate the classroom and Teacher’s chair
  • Create artistic gifts to express your gratitude
  • Make a list of reasons to Thank him/her
  • Teacher’s Day Greeting card ideas for students

Greeting card ideas for Teachers Day

Teacher's Day Greeting Cards

You can make your teachers happy by creating unique greeting cards and add some quotes and messages on it. Here are the popular ideas to make greeting cards on your own.

Paint with nature- The Teacher of your little one would love this beautiful creation that involves a lot of natural touch. Using things like a palette, paintbrush, chart paper, and sketch pen, your kid can make a wonderful greeting card for their Teacher. Ask them to decorate it with the prints of the ladyfinger and add some personal note in it.

Thread and Needle- Your kid needs your assistance, as working with needles might be a bit risky for them. Tell them to sit back and allow you to do with the embroidery part on fabric. Take an Aida cloth and tell them to sew exciting patterns on it with the help of a needle-like teacher’s name. Stick it on the chart paper and complete the card.

Pressed flower cards- Accompany your child to the backyard where they can gather beautiful flowers and press them in a book for a few days. Your kid can now prepare a greeting card with a chart paper and stick the pressed flowers on it for the decoration.

Other options for making personalized greeting cards on Teachers day are cookie-cutter cards, 3D cards, and photo cards.

Happy Teachers Day quotes

Teachers are not just the ones who teach in enclosed classrooms but also every person who influences our thoughts, minds, and actions. They give us a new lesson each day, and memorizing such great souls is often a privilege for anyone. Top quotes explaining the greatness of Teaching on Teacher’s Day are as follows:

“Teaching is a very noble profession that shapes the character, caliber, and future of an individual. If the people remember me as a good teacher, that will be the biggest honor for me.” – A. P. J. Abdul Kalam

“Education is the manifestation of perfection already in man.” – Swami Vivekananda

“I have always felt that the true text-book for the pupil is his teacher.” – Mahatma Gandhi

“The true teachers are those who help us think for ourselves.” – Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan

“Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.” – Nelson Mandela

Great Teachers of India

Finally, sneak at the most prominent and great teachers on India who had a significant contribution to various education areas.

1. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan- He is the one who’s Birthday celebrated as Teacher’s Day in India. Being a teacher at Madras Presidency College, he taught students about the various concepts of philosophy. He was the pioneer in the spread of spiritual education in India.

2. APJ Abdul Kalam- A well-renowned personality-driven by the education concepts that emphasize self-growth and development. Although he was a scholar in academics, he still focused on teaching the enhancement of personal skills that can shape people’s life and career.

3. Chanakya- Amongst the oldest Indian scholars is Chanakya, who is well known for his political teachings. His famous books ‘Arthshashtra’ and ‘Neetishashtra’ are a heritage to our nation.

4. Swami Dayanand Saraswati- A renowned teacher and founder of Arya Samaj, this personality was a Vedic and Sanskrit language scholar. Equal rights to women and the right to education are amongst his most famous teachings.

5. Rabindra Nath Tagore- ‘Gurukul’ concept was re-defined by this Teacher, who took the education meaning to another level. He portrayed India differently in front of the world.

Final words

A thorough study of this write-up can connect you to the fact that education is far above the norms and standards known to the modern generation. Every parent must take an oath to revive teachers’ core values and the importance of referring to a good teacher in front of their kids. Teacher’s Day is not just the celebration of the teaching profession but also the devotion of respect and trust by the students to the people who make a difference. Celebration of this Day should continue even after school and colleges so that people never forget the ones who laid the foundation of their success stories. Happy Teachers Day!

Source By: https://lovingparents.in/relationships/teachers-day-celebration-importance-tips-to-celebrateand-a-lot-more/

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