Positive Impact Of Coronavirus On Environment

Coronavirus has taken life of a lot of people all across the globe till date. As soon as we switch on the television or the radios our ears get flooded with the similar negative news from all around the world. To prevent the spread of COVD-19, governments of different nations are taking multiple steps and doing all that can be done to control the spread. However, if we pay a close eye to all that is happening around us owing to the spread of this virus, we will notice that all the negative effects of coronavirus are restricted to the mankind only. As far as our co-owners of the earth are concerned, the flora and fauna as well as the nature itself, they are enjoying the positives out of this deadly virus. It seems as if the plants and animals are reclaiming the land that we forgot to share with them or instead snatched away from them. Also, it is quite vivid that environment seems to have pressed the hidden reset button that it had, to replenish itself. All of these can be categorized as the positive side effects of COVID-19.
1. Clear blue skies
Clear Sky
Over the decades gone by, most of the cities around the world actually forgot the colour of the sky. To the kids of new generation, we had literally no real time example to prove that the colour of the sky is blue as each time we looked up the sky appeared to be gloomy and filled with smoke. Today, when the production of almost everything is on halt and factories are no longer as active as they used to be, the emission of smoke has lessened which has resulted in clear sky, the blue one as we had known it since we were born.
2. Pollution free air
Pollution Free Air
The cloth producing factories have been shut for last two months in China and a lot more similar industries have also come to halt owing to COVID-19 spread. Not only this, there have been minimal use of vehicles on road. All this have contributed towards lowered CO2-emissions. Not only this, the emission of nitrogen dioxide has also reduced. This indicates that air has become more pure implying that we can once again breathe pure and naturally filtered air.
3. Less planes in sky
With the advancement of technology, people got an access to explore every nook and corner of the world which raised the demands for flights. With increase in number of flights, not only did the air traffic increase but the quality of air that we breathe also exacerbated. Every time we looked u towards the sky all that we could see were fewer birds and more airplanes flying. However, with the travel restrictions due to spread of coronavirus this is no longer the case. Birds have begun to spread their wings once again in the boundary that always belonged to them.
Plastic Ban
To combat coronavirus, companies have asked workers to work from home. This has reduced vehicles on road. In addition to this, the consumption of plastic has also reduced as people no longer have tea or coffee in those disposable glasses. Also, they now print less and shop less. In one way or the other, all of this is contributing towards the good health of the environment.
5. Going green
For some time only but people have become conscious about what they eat. People now try having only fruits and vegetables. Many have said good bye to meat while others have temporarily paused consumption of non-vegetarian food. People are being forced by the nature to opt for dietary options that are relevant from the view point of sustainable development. This is again a positive indicator as far as health of environment is concerned.
Go Green
In this competitive era where all of us have to follow a hectic schedule, we honestly have very little time to think and act the way that is best for our health. Consequently, we have never had thought about the way we are treating the environment and scarce natural resources. However, now when due to lockdown we are forced to stay back home, almost all of us have ample time to think and reflect on our actions. We have now become aware of how we have been wasting water while bathing and brushing, wasting electricity by keeping laptops, computers, televisions on just to save the time and effort of switching them on and off time and again and a lot of similar things. We have found ourselves guilty of having wasted so much food, so much paper, and obviously so many natural resources. This guilt of self-realization is helping mankind to eradicate all the wrong that has been done.
There is no denying the fact that coronavirus has had catastrophic impacts on mankind. However, it has surely given the environment a chance to self-heal and reclaim what belongs to nature. It is a big lesson for humans to mend their ways otherwise nature knows how to reclaim what belongs to it. Though it has already been too late for humans to eradicate their actions it is rightly said that better late than never. Hope mother earth heals itself soon and gives its children to take care of it once again by helping the world to get rid of this pandemic.

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